The cards linked together by the Red Arrow are read as “Queen of Wands” to the “Hierophant.” This dynamic represents that what John is inquiring about. Since the "Queens" are represented by Court Cards, they serve to project the alter ego of the person asking the question – John. It is because John wants swift and decisive action – to find the thieves right away, apprehend them, and throw them behind bars where they belong – much like a powerful Queen would! John has every right to want to have the thieves get put away as quickly as possible – but in doing so, the Tarot pegs him as a “Queen of Fire” – who wants what she wants, or she will “blow your head off!”
John is represented by the "Hierophant" card in the capacity of his own person because he is someone who keeps his emotions in check, forgives others, and practices detachment and higher mindset. The Tarot is saying to John “bless it and move on – don’t dwell on it!” The "Hierophant" card is here to tell John that the theft that occurred is a part of his lessons in self-control and fostering an ability to see past his circumstances while knowing that everything happens for a reason.
The “Queen of Wands” to the “Hierophant” is then a test to John, to see whether he will allow his circumstances to get him out of his comfort zone, or whether he will rise above his own drama and keep his Zen.
The cards linked together by the Green Arrow are read as “Hanged Man” to the “Emperor.”
This dynamic represents the part where the answer to John’s question lies, or whether the “Emperor” represented by the Police Department would be able to catch the thief that stole John’s car. The Clarification card in this reading is the “Hanged Man.” This Clarification card “colors” the entire reading and applies to the third card the “Emperor” and the first card the “Queen of Wands” simultaneously!
“Hanged Man” to the “Emperor” indicates that the police are “hung” to catch the thief that stole John’s car. There can be a number of reasons why this would be. This means that the thief will not be found!
The cards linked together by the Yellow Arrow are read as the “Hanged Man” to the “Queen of Wands.” This dynamic represents that the Queen (John) will not get her way, which means John needs to “cool his heels” and focus on creating a higher reality to dwell on.
This Reading is adjourned!